Saturday, August 7, 2010

Food Co-ops Rock!

A friend told me about a food co-op out here called Bountiful Baskets. This is my second week using them and I couldn't be more impressed! Each week you get different fruits and veggies depending on what they got in on their shipment. Check out this week's winnings :)

In case you can't make it out, it's:
1 head of Romaine lettuce
2 huge stalks of celery
10 pears
4 green peppers
3 heads of broccoli
1 bag of red seedless grapes
1 cantaloupe
1 lb of strawberries
6 oz of raspberries
7 tomatoes
1 lb of carrots
8 bananas

Yes, that's A LOT of food for a week but since all I'm eating are fruits and vegetables it's awesome because sometimes I get stuff I never would have picked up in the store and it forces me to learn how to cook it and to try new things. If my last order is any indication, this fruit is some of the best I've ever had too! much does it all cost?? Try taking a quick estimate from your experiences in the grocery store and then scroll down :)

$16.50 and no membership is required. You just place your order Monday night online and pick it up early Saturday morning. Unbelievable!! We'll see what we get when you're (Mom, Dad, Jesse, Jessica, Liam and Ana) out here to visit! :)

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