Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This past weekend, on 10.2.10, something significant, life-altering happened to me...I asked the woman of dreams I wouldn't dare to dream if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me.

SHE SAID YES!!! and my life changed forever :) :) :)

Nicole and I are getting married!!

Saturday morning 3 of my best dudes and I went to a wholesale flower shop and picked up some gorgeous daisies and purple spider mums.

We drove to Snowbasin ski resort and proceeded up the Gondola to "plant" them at the top. My beautiful fiancé's free-spirit makes it extremely hard for one to plan things she doesn't know about...though this time precious little Georgia played a role ;)

She is the littlest one of the three kids Nicole nanny's for. She got the stomach flu on Thursday and lovingly passed it on to Nicole on Friday. We had planned on hiking to the top of Snowbasin Saturday afternoon (after Sean and I helped Sam plant a ton of flowers around his house...yea, yea, the truth got stretched a bit :). So me and the 3 dudes are on top of the mountain planting away and I get a text from my then girlfriend saying she wasn't feeling well and probably wouldn't be able to hike. I look around at a view from 9000 ft up and wonder what now...kinda hard to figure out a backup plan! Prayer always helps though.

I can't tell you how much He stretched me through this whole process. Everything, I'm telling you, every last detail came together for this to work that week! I didn't even have a ring until Wednesday, but a month before I knew the 2nd was the date. GOD, in His faithfulness, brought everything together perfectly! I knew this would be no different, but knowing it and acting on it are two very different things. I texted everyone asking them to be praying and tried to convince Nicole of resting and coming up later for a drive and maybe a short hike. Being the warrior that she is, just as I was heading home I got a text saying she was on her way!! Excitement is far too weak of a word to describe the feelings swirling around inside me. Having picked up said stomach flu myself on Monday, I am in awe of Nicole's strength and commitment in listening to the small, still voice inside her telling her to go! You are such an inspiration babe!!

We drove the scenic way up to Snowbasin and I suggested we take the Gondola up and hike around the top (it was still a good twenty minute hike to the very top). She welcomed the idea and away we went. Near the top we veered off the trail to a little ledge that showed the glorious mountains all around and a special little spot directly below that said, "Marry Me" surrounded by a heart. Once she put everything together in her head (the not feeling the greatest thing worked out to my advantage) she looked at me and exclaimed, "YES!!" What more could a man wish for!! :) I am naturally a planner and have been trying to work on some more balance in that area of my life and was praying that GOD would give me the words that her heart needed to hear the most in that moment rather than planning a speech out. Turns out I didn't need any words at all :)

We spent the rest of the afternoon on top of the ridge line watching the sunset and celebrating with a little dinner and Reisling...ok so maybe I was only one that got to enjoy the Reisling, sorry babe!

We both agree it was the most perfect day and exactly what it was supposed to be. Thank you GOD, You are amazing!!


Jess said...

Congrats! We're excited for you!

pk said...

You guys are adorable together! Yay!!!

The South Florida Elliotts said...

You two look great together. What a beautiful way to celebrate your love. Can't wait to see what you do for your wedding. :) Love, Mom and Dad E.

JjE said...

Wow! Truly incredible, you're a very inspiring couple of God's handy work to God's handy work that are just not remembering where they came from and where they are, and to those who do, of course.....who know just how connected to ALL they really are!!

Love you two!

Elizabeth Grace said...

Nicole is absolutely awesome and it sounds like you are too :o) Can't wait to meet you and join in the celebration!

Aubrey Zubrod said...